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leong26 28-08-2019 01:48 AM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
Drifting and gymkhana onboard the KTM Duke 790s , fun to watch

leong26 12-10-2019 03:29 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
So able to swim at the sea ones are considered as Fish ? :confused:
Then Got grow mustache ones is call father loh :o

leong26 13-10-2019 03:23 AM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
There would be no exporting of Wholes throughout the world if CCCP are so capable .
So far they're capable of doing 2 things . 继续BS + more 圈钱 .

For those whom are interested , the first video is the full 52min version .
While the other 3 are divided into 3 parts.

Must watch ! This is no threatening but a Warning !

Who is Gou wen gui ?
If you don't know him , Now you know .

leong26 13-10-2019 04:38 AM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
继续革命 !

leong26 13-10-2019 02:12 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
Easy to understand language 所以不用怀疑.
Only a Gongtai are still hoping or believe that Trump gonna tio impeached and remove out of office .

leong26 13-10-2019 03:46 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
全都是 CCP . That tumour is CCP .

leong26 13-10-2019 11:26 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
灭共行动 . will the CCP be destroyed by the west within the next 2 years ?
He say yes .

Fast forward to 40:00 if the hr long TCSS is too long for you .

leong26 14-10-2019 11:47 AM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
6 millon dollar CN made 红旗 Royce Xi jing ping 同志座驾。

leong26 14-10-2019 04:44 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
Ya buy buy buy

leong26 14-10-2019 10:58 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
I guess the call he had receive is from president Trump , then trump sent 2 of his most trusted aide to meet him for 8hrs .
He did not mentioned any names but from that 某国最高领导人首次来电并秘派两位顾问与他秘谈8小时, you can guess it's probably Trump called and sent both bannon and kyle bass to meet him to dig more info about the communist party .

A billion dollars Tycoon , lawsuit alone in the US 30 cases both being sue and he counter sue . a Political asylum in the US , a "red notice" wanted by Interpol .
So How much 诚信度 for a person like him ? I say more than 110% .

leong26 15-10-2019 12:18 AM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
The reason why Trump did not choose to deport Guo back to china . :D:D:D

Sometime in 2017 Trump receive a delivered by hand letter from Steve Wynn whom act on behalf of CCP to deliver the letter to Trump .

leong26 15-10-2019 12:35 AM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
Super charisma .
One of the lawsuit he file against Guo Bao sheng .

leong26 15-10-2019 02:27 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
从中共70年国庆中看出了什么? 东风41? 能用吗? 用在谁? 你打过谁? 你吓唬誰啊?你敢用吗? 什么无人机全都是假的

Story starts at 3:50

leong26 15-10-2019 04:37 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc

leong26 15-10-2019 05:09 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
Meet the real faces of the men and woman whom at work behind these American Mades but heavily modified with Israeli self defense tech capabilities superiority machines .

leong26 15-10-2019 06:31 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
A rolling loans gather no loss . CN unsustainable debts .

leong26 15-10-2019 11:31 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc

leong26 16-10-2019 12:49 AM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
The one most powderful super machinery of CCP had used to Conquer all walks of life on earth:D

Looking forward to this movie :D Claws of the red dragon :D

leong26 16-10-2019 01:50 AM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
iHainan airlines setup in 1993 with 10 million RMB .
What's it worth now ? And the player behind this CN super airline

Wah never realize this Hainan airlines is the super number 1 airline in CN
Even State airline of CCP unable to match this Hainan airlines .

First Sexposed by Miles Gou about this super lucrative airline no one knows the true stories behind .

Story made more exciting hear and watch by Cao Changqing of youtuber 华人自由灯塔.

Current 国家安全部纪委书记 of CCP .

Calls made and F2F meeting take place at Miles guo apartment in NYC in hope of persuading miles from further anti ccp in the US and bring him back to CN .

郭文贵事件 taken from ZN wiki

据《华尔街日报》2017年10月23日报道,2017年5月24日,在郭文贵的同意之下,刘彦平一行4人 持过境签证登门造访郭文贵位于纽约第五大道荷兰雪梨酒店18楼的寓所。在超过一个小时的会谈中,刘彦平等中 国官员敦促郭文贵回国,政府然后将会解冻郭文贵的资产,并放过郭文贵的亲戚们一马。由于刘彦平等人的签证并 不容许他们从事官方事务,因此引起联邦调查局FBI的关注。当天下午下班晚高峰时间5点左右,FBI人员在 纽约宾州火车站当场向刘彦平等4人查问。起初,刘彦平等人宣称他们是文化事务的外交官员,之后他们承认是国 安人员。FBI人员指示他们要离开美国,宣称他们有违签证性质,并要求他们不要再与郭文贵接触 。

刘彦平等之后等上火车返回华盛顿,FBI以为他们将会在24小时内离开美国。但两天之后,即5月26日,刘 彦平等人在当天傍晚飞返中国之前,再次回到郭文贵的寓所。在华盛顿,为了是否逮捕刘彦平等人一事,白宫官员 与美国国务院、美国国防部以及美国情报机关等有关官员召开一次电话会议。美国国务院官员担心事件将导致在中 国的美国官员受到报复,对采取行动表示有所保留。会议期间有人提出另一建议:再次检查这班中国官员,目的是 使他们赶不上飞机,以便进一步的扣留。但美国官员们始终没有达成共识,FBI人员于是只能扣下刘彦平等人的 手机,然后才准其登上飞机,回到中国。

But not only 刘彦平 did not receive any reprimand from ccp after failing to bring back Miles , instead he got promoted by in the name of accomplish 完成国家任务 .
But What 任务 did he accomplished after meeting with Miles?
The video below will.explain .

国安部纪委书记刘彦平在美国见郭文贵后,虽被FBI抓捕两次,但回中国后不仅没有被降职,反而兼任全国政协 委员,这说明他完成国家任务。到底是什么任务?当然这个任务跟马建案有关。
郭文贵当刘彦平面承认马建姐姐在其协助下在盘古房产上获利2千多万,这实际上就是承认了行贿马建,这成为把 马建案办成铁案的关键。

马建 former 国安部副部长 confession of helping , receiving bribes from Miles Guo.
He had since been sentenced for life .

Taken from wiki

Ma Jian (born September 1956) is a former Chinese security official. In January 2015, he was put under investigation by the Communist Party of China's anti-corruption agency.[1] He served as the Vice Minister of State Security, and also Vice President of China Law Society.[2] He was a member of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, but is currently in prison serving a life sentence for corruption.


1985年毕业于西南政法学院,长期在中国国家安全系统工作。在国安系统中,他先后担任副处长、处长、副局 长、局长、部长助理等职。曾领导国安部第十局(对外保防侦察局),负责监控驻外机构人员及留学生,侦查境外 反动组织活动。2006年出任国家安全部副部长。此外,他还是中国法学会副会长、第十二届全国 政协委员。

leong26 16-10-2019 05:12 AM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
都放出狠话了, 四中全会 还能开得了吗 ? 党内斗争从未了过也恐怕了不成 , 习Vs江 内部Power play 之暗斗Drama肯定上温, 如无事四中全会早就如进行了,哪还会四处放狠话呢? 说给谁听? 不就是说给 闷声发大财 听的咯 :D

“成也萧何,败也萧何” The destruction of CCP if it ever happens will no doubt caused by self implode .:D

leong26 16-10-2019 08:31 AM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
What did Jiang and Chu said ?

Miles Guo 爆 this on 27/9/19 .
郭文贵9月27日爆:江泽民.朱镕基震惊发言:他们都疯啦, 这次玩大啦玩出火啦, 中国要出事!你们准备后路吧! 三十年的江山毁于一旦!!!

Noted : The original full version of this video had been taken down from his channel .

Meanwhile The house of representatives ( USA )had pass The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act .

Wow very Drama . perhaps 在有生之年中 there's a chance to see the fall / destruction of CCP in this lifetime .

leong26 16-10-2019 02:20 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
Recap of Jiang fiak his England with AMDK :D and how did his famous 闷声大发财 came about :D

leong26 16-10-2019 02:32 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
Whao Raider X :eek:

leong26 16-10-2019 08:14 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
Recap , after that Jiang interview this another interview was entertaining to watch , the way Megan trying hard to grilled Putin for answer and him to admit was so :D:. Laugh die me . entertaining 指数 200% :D

Remember Caption ON for Eng subtitles .

leong26 16-10-2019 10:58 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
Miles Guo pangu tower . 信托基金 Trust fund . method uses by billionaires in China to move cash out of china .

leong26 17-10-2019 04:22 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc

leong26 17-10-2019 04:33 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
Israeli F35i Adir . First fight .
Now singapore can 放心 buy already .

leong26 17-10-2019 09:48 PM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
Kyle Bass sits down with retired Brigadier General Robert Spalding to discuss what’s really happening inside China. Spalding spent years living in China as Defense Attache in Bejing and served as the chief China strategist for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Spalding brings his deep knowledge of the people, culture, economy, and military posture of China to the table in discussing the multifaceted threat to the US posed by the rising Asian superpower.

In this video , there's a part which i i felt was the most disgusting things with regards to CCP , Starting from 18:40 .

leong26 21-10-2019 12:27 AM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc
China dongfeng 41 ? That's CCP BS .
Here's the real deal . Russia NATO CODE NAME. SICKO ICBM

leong26 21-10-2019 12:29 AM

Re: Youtube sharing - News, Music, Tech, Life, Hobbies etc

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