View Full Version : Would you consider a TN/HC gal who provides special service a prostitute ?

13-01-2008, 11:20 PM
As above.. or is there a distinct difference in labelling them ?

14-01-2008, 12:52 AM
Extracted from Oxford dictionary :

• noun a person, typically a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment.

So guess makes no difference what their "daytime" profession are.

Hope this helps.

14-01-2008, 01:33 AM
key word is definition of "sexual activity" if she pcc pr blow for u consider or not? according to bill clinton no count ... ha ha ... fuck lah, as long as she get paid for perform sexual stuff on u ... she is one liao ... that is according to my dickionary

14-01-2008, 02:24 AM
i would consider her a professional who works & services harder than other TN/HC gals and hence i pay her more... :D

14-01-2008, 05:25 AM
i believe they are. what they do is like change soup, but never change ingredients in chinese.

14-01-2008, 08:45 AM
As above.. or is there a distinct difference in labelling them ?

If she spreads her legs for money, she's a WHORE! :rolleyes:

14-01-2008, 10:02 AM
As long as collect money for sexual services is a prostitute .... :)

14-01-2008, 10:08 AM
I think any $$ transaction for sex can consider liao..

14-01-2008, 10:45 AM
web definition : a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money

14-01-2008, 10:52 AM
as long as she provides sex services and collects payment she is prostitute

14-01-2008, 11:08 AM
Extracted from Oxford dictionary :

• noun a person, typically a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment.

So guess makes no difference what their "daytime" profession are.

Hope this helps.

Good explanation, Bro!

14-01-2008, 11:27 AM
How about girls in KTV? Are they considered prostitutes?

14-01-2008, 12:33 PM
How about girls in KTV? Are they considered prostitutes?

Bro colins, if you need to pay them to have sex with them...Yes.

14-01-2008, 01:57 PM
How ab out petain's man .... money for AJ ... what are they called :eek:

14-01-2008, 03:50 PM
i consider all women who exchange sexual services be it hj, bj, fj for money or other kinds of benefits to be prostitues....

14-01-2008, 03:56 PM
i consider all women who exchange sexual services be it hj, bj, fj for money or other kinds of benefits to be prostitues....

hmm that makes most of our wives whores too...

marine boy
14-01-2008, 04:05 PM
:) bro frankiestine, I suppose technically you are not wrong :D

14-01-2008, 04:08 PM
well technically by the defination of "i consider all women who exchange sexual services be it hj, bj, fj for money or other kinds of benefits to be prostitues...." then all women are prostitutes, but then this is just my rather extreme view, but i really really feel its true, haven't met any women that will fuck for the sake of sex...there is always something tht they want in return

14-01-2008, 04:46 PM
I guess there's a major difference, those who do it for a living and those who dun. And then there's those who do it for favours rather than immediate payment.

14-01-2008, 04:52 PM
That means if a TN?HC gal do not provide FJ, but provide other services even for money they are not prostitute?? :D

27-01-2008, 11:57 AM
i've never tried a prostitute at geylang before because i'm afraid that i can't get rid of the stigma that 'ive done it before with a prostitute' .. so up till now i've only visited TN gals and that's all.. to me.. they are just masseues with extra services.. so if a masseue with extra services is no different from a fl in geylang .. that means i've really done it with a prostitute ?????

27-01-2008, 12:11 PM
like wat a great man(u shld knw who) ever said,don't care whether it's black cat or flower cat,as long as it knws hw 2 catch a rat it's a gd cat.
the same shld also apply here.
who dare says those that provide special in HC/TN r not consider as WL.
2 me they r the same.
change the soup,but the ingredents(in tis case the type of activity) is the same.

28-01-2008, 09:42 AM
i've never tried a prostitute at geylang before because i'm afraid that i can't get rid of the stigma that 'ive done it before with a prostitute' .. so up till now i've only visited TN gals and that's all.. to me.. they are just masseues with extra services.. so if a masseue with extra services is no different from a fl in geylang .. that means i've really done it with a prostitute ?????

I guess is juz mind thinking tat the masseues r different from the prostitutes.As long as $ transaction is involved so for me i think all is the same...

28-01-2008, 11:31 AM
人类进入奴隶制这一阶级社会的第一种形态以后,女子被男子统治并沦为男子的工具和玩物,妓女的产生与发展也 是显著标志之一。
关于中国妓女是怎样产生的,这是一个需要研究的问题。在外国历史上盛行一种妓女起源于宗教的说法,例如建立 于公元前3000年的巴比伦王国就出现了妓女,在汉谟拉比王(公元前1750年)当政时,神殿里除了男祭司 、佣仆、工匠外, 还有不少很受人尊敬的女祭司, 她们通常来自优裕的家庭;另外,还有居于 “神”与“祈祷者”之间服务的“圣职妓女”,她们的收入似乎是神殿主要的经济来源。公元前5世纪希腊的历史 学家希罗多德曾描写巴比伦神殿里的妓女说:“每一个当地的妇女在一生中有一次必须去神殿里,坐在那里,将她 的身体交给一个陌生的男人……直到有一个男人将银币投在她的裙上,将她带出与他同卧,否则她不准回家……女 人没有选择的权利,她一定要和第一个投给她钱的男人一仆去。当她和他共卧,尽到了她对女神的职责后,她就可 以回家。”所以,那时做妓女并不感到是种耻辱。在我国,过去长期流行一种说法,即中国的妓女起源于殷商的女 巫,并把那个时代称为“巫娼时代”。可是近年来有人认为中国虽然在历史上存在过近似巴比伦、古希腊女祭司的 女巫,但在史书与宗教典籍中找不出一条关于殷商女巫卖淫的确凿材料,从而认为中国的妓女起源于奴隶社会中奴 隶主家庭所蓄养的家妓(女乐、 倡优) ,并在许多历史事实和不少典籍中把“妓”解释为“女乐”,把 “倡”也解释为“女乐”来论证。

对于这些问题,当然还可以深入研究。但应该指出的是,后世的妓女在古代可能有多种来源,或者可以说,有几种 因素对妓女的产生有影响;同时,对妓女的性质也应加以界定。妓女,一般说来,是以卖淫为业的妇女,而卖淫, 则是以肉体换取金钱。如以这个标准来衡量今日的妓女,当然是完全符合的。但如以这个标准来衡量古代的所谓妓 女,就不完全符合了。例如“宗教妓女”,女子和多个男子性交,其目的是为了宗教信仰,是为了履行对神的义务 ,而主要不是为了金钱;再如“家妓”,女子处于被奴役的地位,被迫为某个统治者或某几个统治者(如官宦子弟 、官僚的下属等)提供娱乐服务或性服务,其目的也主要不是为了金钱。以上这些性质都和后世对妓女的理解不同 ,可以称之为“妓女的雏型”,她们对后世妓女有很大影响。当然,从她们为许多男子提供性服务来看,称她们为 妓女也未尝不可。

其实,妓女产生的最主要的根源还是社会经济的发展,从私有制社会建立初期的情况来看,大致有以下这些需要和 可能:

第一,私有制建立以后,女子沦为男子的附庸和玩物。既然女子是玩物,对有些男子来说,就要换换新鲜,玩女人 越多越好,光是一妻数妾是远远不够的,而且 “野花”比“家花”更富有刺激。

第二,在私有制社会,随着统治阶级的日益巩固,随着商人的出现,权力和财富日益集中,这使某些人迷恋声色犬 马、耽于享乐成为可能。

第三,当时的大小奴隶主在家庭中占有和蓄养大批女奴,这样就使社会上的男女比例失调,出现了不少娶不到老婆 的鳏夫。同时,城市的出现,商业的发展,人员流动的增加,有不少军人、商人、游士、手工业者远离家庭,外出 谋生,他们和鳏夫一样,要解决性欲问题,或暂时解决性欲问题,这就增加了对妓女的需要。

第四,城市和商业的发达使有些农村经济破产,有些妇女无以为生,商品交换原则使她们不得不以肉体来换取金钱 ,并成为可能。
娼妓本作倡伎,本意是指女艺人,即歌舞表演中的女演员。由于中国古代从事歌舞音乐的乐户毫无地位,多半与有 势力者性交,所以娼妓逐渐演变为今天的含义。不过,“妓”并非“性工作者”的同义词,在古代,某些艺妓并不 提供性服务。日本艺妓和韩国妓生的「妓」字都保留古汉语「妓」的意思。

古代娼妓又称青楼女子、风尘女子,她们大多数属于奴隶身份,如宫妓、官妓、家妓等,多是罪犯、罪犯家属、贩 卖人口或战俘,她们是不能获得报酬的。由于她们完全没有人身自由,除了极少部分外,没有改变身份的任何可能 ,因此古代的娼妓与现代的性工作者是有很大的差别的。而且由于古代提供性服务的人群多提供舞蹈表演、吹拉弹 唱、诗词歌赋等内容,因此娼妓在古代的文化发展中起到了不可磨灭的贡献,许多文学作品是在妓院(古称青楼、 勾栏)中产生的。

中国最早有记载的公娼起源于公元前685年-645年间春秋时期齐国的首都临淄,齐相管仲是公娼的创始人, 他的治国方略之一是“设女闾七百,征收夜合之资”,以补充国家财政收入。最早的商业性妓院产生于唐朝古长安 城的平康坊。历史上有名的娼妓如:赵飞燕、李师师、陈圆圆等。

清末民初时,香港的妓女称为阿姑、老举(相信为老妓的音变),妓院集中在水坑口,後来迁移至石塘咀,为著名 的塘西风月所在地。

至于现代,在1949年中国共产党取得政权之后不久,政府就着手进行了一系列行动,据称旨在在1960年代 初在中国大陆根除卖淫业。(参见中国大陆卖淫业)

在普通话发音中,「妓」和「鸡」读音相似,因此俗称鸡。另外亦根据不同的工作场所和形式有不同称谓,如在夜 总会、舞厅、酒店等场所工作的妓女称为小姐、三陪女(中国大陆)。以援助交际形式进行性交易的称为援交妹, 於街上兜搭嫖客的妓女称为站壁(台湾)或企街(香港)等。

由于性服务业长期存在的事实,以及性服务呈现的多样化,其在现代社会的合法性也存在不同的声音,部分国家和 地区性服务已经合法化,但有人认为性服务是把人的身体当作商品,损害人的尊严,认为性服务不应合法化。(参 见性服务)

性工作者是最低等的社会阶层之一,他们从事性工作的原因是多样的,有被逼良为娼,有为生活所迫,当然也有贪 图享乐者。娼妓多被排斥在正常的人的概念之外,绝大多数的娼妓无法获得应该的人道对待。

29-01-2008, 10:39 AM
I would also add that any woman that provides services is a slut as well as a prostitute. These experiences add to her own life experience. You can't say you won't be a changed person if you carried out these activities yourself.

You can't be normal, much like porn stars and celebrities cannot lead normal lives.

29-01-2008, 02:48 PM
so celebrities or models who 'selling' their body to get more performance chances also consider??:p

29-01-2008, 03:16 PM
so celebrities or models who 'selling' their body to get more performance chances also consider??:p

Absolutely if you consider it a higher form of prostitution. Obviously it is an indirect benefit, but at the end of the day, with the amount of competition, there is a lot of value in it for women to not take advantage.

A few carefully selected fcuks can reap them million dollar roles. Thats as good as booked income for all those finance savvy people :D

29-01-2008, 05:11 PM
Nice discussion: would appreciate Bros can give serious comments on: if a gal provides HJ, JG, BM or BJ....but no penetration sex.....IS SHE A PROSTITUTE?

Please enlighten me, cheers. I really appreciate a serious comment/remark.....it means alot to me.

31-01-2008, 09:35 AM
Nice discussion: would appreciate Bros can give serious comments on: if a gal provides HJ, JG, BM or BJ....but no penetration sex.....IS SHE A PROSTITUTE?

Please enlighten me, cheers. I really appreciate a serious comment/remark.....it means alot to me.

Bro,as long as $$ transaction is involved,then can consider liao.

31-01-2008, 10:22 AM
Nice discussion: would appreciate Bros can give serious comments on: if a gal provides HJ, JG, BM or BJ....but no penetration sex.....IS SHE A PROSTITUTE?

Please enlighten me, cheers. I really appreciate a serious comment/remark.....it means alot to me.

Yes...I guess you are having feelings for a TN girl. Juz to share how I feel as I have spoken to some of those who are closer to me on this.

Basically, it is tough to have any meaningful long term r/s with Wl for a few reasons,

1. You met her while u are 'playing' outside so u think she can trust that you will not play around after the 2 of you are together

2. She works b'coz family needs money. So unless you can fill this need else how can u expect them to spend life normally with you

3. If u are holding a high profile job, like me. Then if one of her ex-customer was your business associate or client then how when they meet. Unless your CO does not need to socialise with you then fine.

4. Barrier in lifestyle, language (English) for them and what do u expect them to do in SG... they can hardly find decent work

5. Jie Mei.. if their JM who are still in this line ask for help from them, u think they can say no

6...many many more

So conclusion is... Know that there is no future for the 2 of you but if u want to then enjoy whatever time you have together.

31-01-2008, 10:25 AM
Did she ask you for money after? If she did, she is. Did she sleep with many other men and ask them for money after? If she did, she is. Did she sleep with other men except you but never ask them for money? If she did, she is just a bitch.

Hole In One
02-02-2008, 06:16 PM
Money involved tio si kway .

02-02-2008, 07:42 PM
Money involved tio si kway .

haha, bro. fully agreed with you. :p

09-02-2008, 12:44 AM
like that means i can go darlene hotel to look for those gals without feeling any guilt since there;s no difference btw them and tui na gals ??

09-02-2008, 12:56 AM
Am I right to say as long she don't do FJ, she's not a pros?

09-02-2008, 01:00 AM
Am I right to say as long she don't do FJ, she's not a pros?

nah.. some bros here have disputed that as long as $$ is involved for any type of sexual act.. she's a pro liao.. so even if hj only.. also pro ..but that doesnt mean u have lost yr virginity if u've just done hj only ..

09-02-2008, 03:03 AM
hmmm.........frankly , gals in HC/TN/GL etc....who r willing to FJ with strangers, r same ....their objectives is to MAKE MONEY ...and tat make them prostitutes .....:cool:
Nothing wrong with their choice of work.....its still HONEST work ...afterall, its t oldest profession ........:cool:

09-02-2008, 09:25 AM
like that means i can go darlene hotel to look for those gals without feeling any guilt since there;s no difference btw them and tui na gals ??

yes. no difference brother. Everything has a start. Maybe u feel guilt initially. But as time passes, u feel nothing le.

could remember my 1st time in GL, l dun even dare to negotiate wif the gals. But now l jus walk straight up to them and ask them the price. :D

09-02-2008, 09:35 AM
hmmm.........frankly , gals in HC/TN/GL etc....who r willing to FJ with strangers, r same ....their objectives is to MAKE MONEY ...and tat make them prostitutes .....:cool:
Nothing wrong with their choice of work.....its still HONEST work ...afterall, its t oldest profession ........:cool:

Prostitute is only a term.. behind the profession are people of flesh and blood

Treat them like a person if u want to build a relationship and let go of the past..

Else.. juz bonk and forget