View Full Version : Al Jazeera |101 East | Taiwan: Sex in the city

05-01-2012, 03:40 PM
101 East
Taiwan: Sex in the city

101 East looks at Taiwan's controversial plan to create legal red light districts throughout the country.

101 East Last Modified: 27 Sep 2011 12:36

Prostitution is set to be legal in Taiwan by the end of this year despite heated public debate.

In July, the Taiwanese parliament passed a controversial draft bill allowing the establishment of red light districts. The bill allows sex to be sold openly in designated 'special sex trade' zones but will punish offenders outside of these zones.

Regulating and managing the industry is creating fiery public debate and although 75 per cent of Taiwanese support a more liberal approach to prostitution, it appears no one wants it in their 'own backyard'. All 22 local government mayors have spoken out against introducing legal red light districts in their cities.

On this edition of 101 East, we ask if legalising the world's oldest profession can help clean up Taiwan's sex industry.


08-01-2012, 03:01 PM
How scams targeting the lonely work. 60 Minutes Australia did a sting to a Nigerian Scam basing itself from Kuala Lumpur. It's victims came from Australia in this investigative episode.

The Love Trap
Friday, October 28, 2011

Reporter:Liam Bartlett
Producer: David Alrich

Most of us have figured out by now that transferring our life savings into a Nigerian bank account is a mug's game.

We know there's no royal fortune. No multi-million dollar return. In fact, no hope of ever seeing our money again.

Maybe that's why the men behind those dodgy emails have moved on to scams that are more sophisticated, and far more callous.

Now they don't just bankrupt their victims, they break their hearts as well.

So we decided to take them on at their own game.

We set up a sting of our own and it wasn’t long before the sharks took the bait.

Video link: